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Black and white can be sooo boring, so I had to brighten it up a little.  These photos were printed at Hooper at a high price, then scanned in from home.  The actual photos are better then these, and my digitals are better the prints!  I guess I am going into this thing kicking and screaming, "NO!  Don't make me use 35mm!  Digiatl! Digital!  DIGITALLLLLL!!!!"   It will all be over soon, right?!?!? 

'The gal that started it all'  What did she start?  She started this whole photo thing, or as she says foto, foto!  Ah, yes she passed on her old digital when she bought this big bad boy Nikon D100 she is holding. 

This dog could win many contsets.  We watched him at the dog park play fetch with his owner.  He jumped over the fence, into the 'small timid dog' area, then over the no entry part to get the ball.  He jumped back over the fence into the 'small timid dog' area and then back over the fence into the big dog park area with the ball!!  Good boy!  He did this several times, so we know it was not a fluke.  Here is at the water with his ball in the water.
'snapshot' of XO sleeping.  The pile of shoes is because we were cleaning out the closet.


Our bamboo reflecting in the bathroom mirror.  I GOT to get out more!

"No stand here, over to the right, act like your going to throw it, over to the left, no over there, wait... uh, hhmm, o.k. a little to the right."   The whole reason for this shot, here at this place, was the ball up in the right hand corner in the tree.  Little did I know, you wouldn't even be able to see it, when it was developed.... Don't you just love that 35mm....