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This is Dave leaving the stage. (in the orang-ish shirt on the left) I cropped it from the top; not taking anything off the bottom.  So, this is how close we were once we made it to the floor.  Right before I snapped this shot; Cynthia said, did you get any photos from down here?  Although I had; I thought I better see if I can get another and right when I got the camera ready he was walking off the stage! 
How adorable are they?!?!

This married pair were jamming the whole time and on my many tries at getting that most adorable shot of them in motion without the flash, one of them would move and then the shot would be blurry... So, I settled for this flash shot of them just sitting...

I didnot take this shot or the next, but... I would like to have..
Nor were they from our show...
